Monday 16 June 2008

Nicole's Joel spreads fake wedding rumours

Joel Madden announced he had married Nicole Richie on Saturday - but then revealed it was a hoax.

The Good Charlotte rocker made a post on his blog after becoming annoyed over a false report claiming he had splashed out $2 million on a wedding to Nicole.

Joel's post read: "WE DID IT! NICOLE AND I FINALLY GOT MARRIED! Click here for pictures!"

When fans clicked through, the message said: "Ha-ha just kidding."

Joel wrote: "I feel really stupid even posting this, but I've been getting calls and texts from my family all week asking me why they weren't invited to my wedding.

"I guess the only answer I could give them was that I didn't know we were having one. So I just found that some magazine wrote a story about a $2 million wedding we are supposed to be having, and that's where it came from.

"Sooooo if you were pissed at me for not inviting you or even telling you, don't blame me, there's nothing to worry about."

The post was accompanied by a picture of two gorillas in wedding outfits, alongside a message saying: "Check out my blog for a picture of me and my beautiful bride. All I can say is I am so very happy."

Joel and Nicole have been together for 18 months. They have a five-month-old daughter, Harlow.

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